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The last thing Elona, a brilliant straight-A student, desires is to become entangled in the treacherous web of secret societies within the enigmatic halls of one of France's most prestigious academies.
Especially while she's on the trail of her best friend's chilling murder case, but to her surprise, the one who offers an unexpected hand in this deadly dance is none other than her academic rival.
Roma's charisma outshines Elona's every accomplishment, and his penetrating gaze seems to unravel her deepest secrets, even on that eerie night atop the rooftop. Amidst her friends' obliviousness to her self-destructive tendencies, he extends a hand, offering to jump together. Little does she know that his offer is more than a metaphor.
Under the sway of pills, reality blurs, and her grades plummet while her tendency to lie increases. And as the case deepens, she finds herself surrounded by potential killers, each concealing sinister secrets and hidden agendas.
To survive, Elona must embrace her morally grey nature, but can she withstand the toll it takes on her humanity?

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